Coming to Teesside University, one thing you won’t have to worry about is paying a fortune in public transport and taxi fees.
With Middlesbrough being a compact little town, everything you’d ever need is right within your reach. Even if you do have to travel, you’ll probably never have to go 15-20 minutes until you get there.
Being at Teesside University means you have everything on your doorstep. Your education, food, entertainment – the lot! Or rather for you commuters, everything in one place once you are there!
The best thing about it, is that Middlesbrough is on the UP. Over the last few years we’ve seen lots of fantastic new places open and events happen.
Here’s a little low down of a typical day in the life of a University student!
8am – Living on campus means you don’t have to count for travel time, rush hour worries aren’t needed. So perhaps you’ll hit snooze until about 8:30 because oh the JOYS of living so close to where you’re gonna need to be.
8:45am – You’ll head out slightly early before your first class. Grab a hot chocolate (or a coffee, tea, chicken soup if you’re weird) from one of the several cafes available round campus cos jeez it’s cold up North!
9am – First class is a go. This morning you’re introduced to a panel of marketing experts to discuss up and coming trends. Gaining insight knowledge into the field you’re hoping to go into.
11am – Time to huddle into one of the communal working spaces with your presentation group to have a run through before your assessment next week.

12:30pm – Lunch time! There’s plenty to choose from whilst staying on campus, grab pizza at the new Student Lift building, a quick lunch at the Student Union or even pop onto Linthorpe Road for a bite to eat from one of many of the food outlets there.
1:30pm – There’s no scheduled sessions this afternoon, your timetable is free! You decide to head to the library and find a solo spot for you to crack on with an upcoming assessment. You’ve even got a little bag full of snacks to keep you fed for the afternoon ahead.
5pm – You’ve typed your fingers away for the past few hours and had your head buried in books for the past few hours. Time to stretch them legs and join in with the Pole Fitness society that you’re involved in.

5.15pm – After changing into something more comfortable and meeting up with your new friends at Pole Fitness. It’s time to stretch your legs and move your body for the next hour or so. The perfect way to end a busy day where you’ve been sitting at a desk.
7pm – The phone buzzes and your course mates have invited you along to the Student Union this evening as there’s a comedy evening going on, what could be better?!
8pm – A quick wash and change and you’re heading to The Terrace at the SU to grab a bite to eat before the show starts. You obviously opt for a Chicken Parmo because, when in Teesside, right?! Garlic Sauce is a must, not an option! Oh, and hold the salad.
9pm – Heading upstairs you’re ready for the comedy show. You grab a drink and settle in for a giggle with your mates.
11pm – The show is over and your Friday is almost over. There’s plenty to do depending on what you’re into. You can head out and check out the local bars or snuggle on the sofa with Netflix.
I mean. I’m definitely more of a Netflix and Nacho than a Nightclub kinda gal but there are some fabulous places near the University if you fancy an evening out socialising.
Writing this post has really made me nostalgic on my time at University and I wish I could bottle up the fantastic times I had and revisit them on the regular.
I definitely had far too many portions of cheese and beans loaded fries in the SU and goodness knows how many sweet snacks I used to pick up from the shop. That Pick n Mix was lethal!
My course mates and myself would have the best laughs and deep conversations whilst sitting in the library doing work. It was a wonderful safe place for us to get together, giggle but still get stuff done.
As a commuter student I definitely still felt involved in the whole University life vibe. I was still able to enjoy every single thing that University life had to offer (apart from hitting snooze on my alarm!).
Can I go back to being a student now?!
I want all of my days to look like the above.