5 ways to make friends at university

Embarking on your university journey can be a daunting experience, and making friends is often one of the biggest concerns for new students. The truth is a lot of people will be feeling the same way as you. And in even better news, there are lots of ways to forge great friendships and kickstart your university experience on a positive note.

Keep scrolling for 5 tried and tested ways to meet new people and make friends at uni…

1: Join a club or society

Joining a club or society is arguably the number one way for students to meet new people and make friends. By joining a club or society that you’re interested in, you’ll be surrounded by people who care about the same things as you and you’re guaranteed to have at least one thing in common with everyone in the room – the ultimate ice breaker!

Our Students’ Union has over 60 groups, from comics and chess, fashion and graphic design, to LGBTQ+ and faith, there’s something for everyone. The best part? They’re all completely free to join!

If sport’s more your thing, or you just fancy trying something new, joining one of our sports clubs is a great way to get active while meeting new people and creating friendships. We have lots of sports clubs to choose from, so what are you waiting for? Take your pick and join today!

Struggling to decide which society would be a good fit for you? Check out our blog from Nick, Activities Manager at our Students’ Union, for some top tips on finding the right society for you.

2: Attend events at our Students’ Union

Our Students’ Union located right in the heart of our campus is the ideal spot to hang out and make new friends as a student. With day and evening events there’s something to suit everyone’s vibe, with weekly favourites such as quiz and karaoke nights or if you’re into something more low-key, try a movie night, vintage clothing sale, or head over for breakfast club.

You certainly don’t need to be a ‘party animal’ or extrovert to get involved in these things, but stepping outside of your comfort zone and attending student social events can be a great way to connect with people and make friends!

Take a look at what events are coming up at the Students’ Union here.

Unsplash: Matthew LeJune

3: Say ‘hello’ to people!

Ok, this one may seem obvious, but when we’re feeling nervous it can be a challenge to break out of our shell. The reality is that many students are in the same boat and feel equally anxious, so try your best to introduce yourself or pay someone a compliment to spark up a conversation. I met some lifelong friends at uni by doing just this, so the few seconds of dread are well worth the years of fun, laughter, and happy memories it could possibly bring!

4: Become a course rep or student ambassador

As a student ambassador you’ll get to be a part of a sociable and hardworking team. Alongside developing your skills and building work experience, you’ll have the chance to attend social events with your fellow ambassadors and make friends! Find out more about becoming an ambassador here.

5: Study on campus

After a long day of lectures and seminars, it can be easy to give in to the temptation of heading back to your home comforts. Our campus is filled with places to study, and making use of our facilities while potentially meeting someone new is a win-win, right? Sure, the individual quiet zone is probably not the best place to make friends, but there are plenty of places on campus where you’re free to chat away and get to know people!

If the concept of approaching strangers on campus feels too nerve-wracking, why not ask a few of your course mates if they’d like to start a study group? It’s the perfect way to socialise and get to know each other outside of the classroom, all while exchanging knowledge related to your course.

Making friends at uni is just one of the many things for new students to think about. To help you find your feet, take a look at our blogs on staying safe on campus, managing your budget, and avoiding procrastination while studying.

Author: Narelle

After graduating with a Marketing degree at Teesside, Narelle joined the University's Communications and Development team as a Social Media Coordinator.