Hi, I’m Gemma Woolston, a Teesside University student.

The creative field is flourishing. So now more than ever, it’s crucial to gain valuable work experience alongside your studies.

Since I was young, I knew I wanted to study journalism at university. After visiting and applying to multiple universities, I was lucky enough to be accepted into all my choices. I decided Teesside University would be the best fit for me because its journalism department has industry standard equipment and supportive lecturers.

While studying for my degree, BA (Hons) Journalism, I’ve developed many skills needed to progress in the creative industry. These skills are but are not limited to interview, writing, research, content creation, and Photoshop and video editing skills. Although this has started to help me stand out from the crowd, with more knowledgeable creatives than ever, I knew I needed to do something more to stand out. That’s where my placement year comes in.

During the second year of my degree, I started to research work placements. Although studying and enjoying Journalism, the eCommerce and marketing world intrigued me, so I decided to look for placements in this industry. After researching and looking at different placements available, I discovered Barker and Stonehouse were advertising an eCommerce/Digital Marketing work placement. I researched the role and the company, and I decided Barker and Stonehouse would be the right fit for me. Its great reputation, staff, and opportunities for knowledge growth made it so appealing. I applied for the role, went through the interview process and was ecstatic to discover I had gained the position.

After securing the placement at Barker and Stonehouse, I kick-started my journey. Let’s discuss some of the tasks I’ve completed during my placement.

Tasks completed

During my time at Barker and Stonehouse, I’ve been lucky enough to work alongside many talented and encouraging members of staff, where I’ve had the opportunity to complete industry-relevant tasks.

Studying journalism, I’ve spent a lot of time writing news articles and have been lucky enough to get the chance to write for North East Bylines and The Northern Echo. However, I’d not had the opportunity to write blog campaign content before. So, when I had a chance to write some blogs for Barker and Stonehouse, I jumped at the opportunity! I worked alongside the digital campaign manager, learning what information to include and how to write campaign content effectively. I also worked alongside the SEO executive, learning how to make the content SEO-friendly. After learning this new knowledge, I wrote some blogs for National Bed Month. I produced two blogs:

I’ve also spent a lot of time working alongside the optimisation and conversion manager, looking for ways to optimise the website to increase conversions. After discovering ways to optimise, I’d liaise with my manager and carry out optimisation tasks such as lighting corrections, merchandising products, writing new product descriptions and titles and more. This has been both fun and interesting. I’ve developed many new skills as well as an understanding of how to optimise effectively.

These are not the only tasks I’ve completed. I’ve gained many opportunities and new connections and have also developed and improved my current skills. There are just too many to list! My placement has helped me gain insight into the working world. I hope my top tips below help you during your placement endeavours.

Barker and Stonehouse’s Emma Hughes commented:

“We were so impressed with the work, commitment and enthusiasm Gemma put into her work placement with us at Barker and Stonehouse. The experience has reinforced how much value we gain from our fantastic relationship with Teesside University.”

My top tips for whilst you’re at placement

Believe in yourself

You can do anything if you put your mind to it. Yes, you really can. When completing new tasks, if you don’t understand them at first, keep trying and eventually you will succeed.

Ask questions

It’s good to ask questions. How will you learn if you don’t?

Ask for feedback

Feedback can sometimes be daunting. No one likes the idea of ‘ways to improve’, but this is some of the best feedback you can get.


I’m extremely thankful for my time at Barker and Stonehouse and the staff I’ve worked alongside. The opportunities they’ve given me are sure to help my future career. If you’re thinking of completing a placement year, do it! You’ll gain valuable skills and knowledge that will help you stand out from the crowd!

You can find out more about Teesside University’s journalism degrees here.

By Gemma Woolston.