When studying at university your main goals will likely be to have a great university experience and get your degree at the end of it. That doesn’t mean you can’t build on your other skills and enhance your CV whilst studying.

Here at Teesside, we provide you with lots of opportunities to do this.

Part-time work 

Many students have a part-time job whilst studying. However, make sure you get the right balance, so it doesn’t impact your studies. Most course providers recommend less than 15 hours a week, so make sure it’s flexible and can be scheduled around your lecture timetable.

From Library Assistants, Sports Assistants or even jobs within the Students’ Union there are lots of opportunities available. Head to our Student Futures pages for more info and check out this video on ‘Getting a Part-time Job’. 

For part-time job opportunities off-site, use websites such as:


A degree alone may not be enough to secure the best graduate roles. Completing a work placement gives you a competitive edge by providing valuable experience and skills that employers seek. Employers will be expecting you to have gained experience, articulate what you have gained, including skills you have developed that will be needed in their business or organisation.

You may already be enrolled on a course with a year in industry and this is a fantastic way to move forward with your career and to gain the knowledge, experience and skills that will make you employable. Many employers view placement schemes as year-long interviews, often leading to job offers. If your course doesn’t include a year in industry, you can usually switch to this option in your second year, completing the placement after your second year.

Find out more about placements here.


We work with local employers to help you become more employable by gaining essential paid experience over 8 weeks in the summer.

Aimed at penultimate and final-year students, internships with small and medium-sized employers in Teesside offer valuable, paid experience. These opportunities span various sectors, and allow you to gain practical skills and industry insight. Internships not only enhance your CV but they also increase your chances of securing a placement or employment after graduation too.

Head to the Student Futures pages for more info.

Freelance Fridays

Freelance Fridays are for Teesside students who are interested in offering a service to individuals or businesses as a freelancer. These sessions provide support through live events, blended learning, and real-life work opportunities.

Freelance Fridays modules give you the confidence to launch your own freelancing business, alongside your studies. We do this through interactive activities and providing content from a range of different platforms in one easy-to-access place.

Freelance Fridays in-person workshops are a great opportunity for you to hear from experts in a range of different specialisms. The workshops are about an hour and you also benefit from networking time with other freelancing students.

You can take advantage of working in our freelance hub in the Student Life Building. Find out more here.

Law clinic

Teesside University Law Clinic offers free legal advice to the community, ensuring justice is accessible to all. We work in partnership with lawyers, charities and voluntary organisations to provide our students with real opportunities and practical skills in law. While Teesside Law Clinic prioritises the community need for legal services and the interest of clients, we also recognise that our students benefit from involvement with cases from real people.

This is an excellent opportunity for law students to gain essential employability skills by working on live cases across a broad range of practice areas, under the supervision of qualified and experienced legal professionals.

Learn more about the clinic here.

Student ambassador scheme

You can join our team of inspirational student ambassadors who actively promote Higher Education at Teesside University on and off campus, and get paid for your efforts.

You’ll be involved in motivational visits, guide secondary school pupils around campus and help them develop self-confidence, team work and presentation skills.

You will also help out at UCAS exhibitions, create content and help visitors and their friends and family find out more about Teesside University on campus Open Days.

Find out how you could become a student ambassador here.

Student Futures workshops 

Our Student Futures team run a variety of workshops and events that will look great on your CV. You will gain the latest advice and training on job search, applications, assessment centres, interviews and more.

If you can’t attend the live presentations, you can watch the recordings at a later date.

Learn more here.


Volunteering is a great way to develop your skills, enhance your CV and give something back to the local community.

Our Volun-tees service aims to support staff, students and recent graduates from Teesside University to engage in volunteering activities both within the local community or on University-led volunteering programmes.

Learn more about this service and how to get involved here.