8 study spots on campus

Finding the perfect study spot is a real-life Goldilocks moment. It  needs to be just right, and ‘just right’ looks different for different people.

Some need a constant murmur of background noise, while others require complete silence. There’s the ones who need to be surrounded by colour and those who want to stare at a blank wall with no distractions.

Thankfully, Teesside’s campus is filled with such places. Read on for our top study spot picks that will help you thrive in your student era…

The big one 

It should come as no surprise that the Library, standing in Campus Heart, tops our list.

It’s probably the most versatile space on our list, with five individually decorated floors and with varying noise levels. 

There are also plenty of seating options, which is more important than you may think when picking your spot, especially considering that you might be there for a long time. Choose from single desks, fancy chairs, collaboration tables, computing areas and even small huts.

Although, it has to be said that my personal favourite space is the humble window seat. It’s super comfortable and you can enjoy the day while you’re studying with a great view across campus. 

There’s something about being surrounded by (literally) millions of books housed in the moving bookshelves that makes me really productive, and that’s why it’s top of my list, as I’m sure it is for many.

The great outdoors

Students in movies are always seen hanging out and studying in the quad. You may think it’s an Americanism, but it’s actually a very real part of student life.

As soon as the nice weather comes, Teesside students swap the Library for Campus Heart to hit the books.

I remember in primary school how excited everybody was when, in summer, the teacher allowed us to work outside for the afternoon. It was such a treat. Maybe that’s why so many students still gravitate to Campus Heart for outdoor work and play on a warm day.

It’s recommended for those who aren’t easily distracted, although even they may have to give this one a miss in the rain.

The treadmill

Okay, so we’re not suggesting you try to balance your notebooks, pens and laptop on a treadmill. Nor are we suggesting you try to write while you’re running – it won’t go well.

But, for those who enjoy multitasking, why not complete your course reading while visiting the Gym? One word…audiobook. 

I don’t need to tell you that studying, keeping on top of your reading, exercising, staying hydrated and maintaining a social life can be a lot to juggle at university. Swapping your podcast or playlist for the course reading while you’re running or rowing seems like a good way to tackle two at once. 

The student pick

Studying is arguably the biggest and most important part of student life, so why not take your studies to the building of the same name?

The Student Life building in Campus Heart is filled with spaces for all types of learners. The benches downstairs are great for casual, group working while the well-lit seating area on the first floor next to the big windows is perfect for independent reading or work. 

There are also bookable study rooms for those who need to be able to close the doors on the hustle and bustle and get productive in their own space.

Let’s not forget that STREAT (home of the best pizza on campus) is just downstairs!

The exclusive spot

The Buttery is a contemporary space designed exclusively for postgraduate students (sorry undergrads 🤭).

It’s giving New York apartment with the exposed brickwork and metal rails, making it perfect for those who like to be surrounded by a bit of interest while they work. It’s got a history too – it was once the dining hall of the former Victorian grammar school in Middlesbrough.

It’s ideal for those who need access to a computer, with a large, modern suite. But it tends to be my go-to for collaborative working. There’s a space on the ground floor with a big screen, which groups can gather around to work together.

The foodie

For me, studying and snacking go hand in hand. So, working in one of the University cafés is one of those things that just makes sense.

Which café you choose probably depends on which course you’re studying or which building you find yourself in most. There are some great seats in the Food Quarter, based in the Library. The same goes for The Garden in Themis (and the food in both is unreal).

Cafés are definitely some of the busier spots on our list, but the reward of food during study sessions makes it worth it IMO. You can always wear some noise cancelling headphones and listen to some relaxing music to combat the background chatter.

The challenge

Some of my best memories at university have been made when me and my course mates would head to the Students’ Union to study, all the time knowing we’d end up eating, drinking and playing pool in the Love It Lounge. So, it may not be top of my list based on productivity.

Don’t get me wrong, in-the-zone students can definitely get some good graft in at the Students’ Union, but I think it’s the optimum study spot for those who know deep down they need a quick procrastination session before getting back to the grind.

The classroom

Sometimes, you’re so focused on your work after a lesson ends that you don’t want to move at all. So, students can stay back and carry on their work in their usual classroom when it’s free.

I was lucky that, as a Journalism student, my usual classroom was the computer suite adjoining our swanky television studio.

There’s something to be said for working in a subject-specific space. I certainly felt more focused and also really relaxed, probably because it was where I felt most at home on campus.

Let us know your favourite on-campus study spot in the comments below…

Author: Lauren

Since completing her undergraduate studies in Journalism at Teesside University, Lauren has taken on the role of Communications Assistant (Content Production). She knows a thing or two about student life, as she’s currently working towards achieving her master’s degree at the University.

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