How to ace a job interview

Students, it’s that time of the year again, when lots of you will be looking for employment. But we know that landing your first graduate job can be challenging. Here are some top tips that will help you ace a job interview like a pro. Be proactive — The best advice I can give you … Continue reading “How to ace a job interview”

11 tips for CV success

I know what you might be thinking – the CV is dead, right? Wrong! While it’s true recruitment has become more creative in recent years, with organisations creating their own digital forms and requesting the likes of video applications, there is still a place for the humble CV. Your CV is a brilliant opportunity to … Continue reading “11 tips for CV success”

365 days in fashion: My placement year

Education is important – but sometimes, you can’t beat that real world experience you get outside of the classroom. Fortunately, it is possible to find the perfect balance of both, as Joyce discovered. Originally from Malaysia, Joyce came to the north east to study fashion design at Teesside University. She opted to extend her studies … Continue reading “365 days in fashion: My placement year”