An enhanced stipend of £15,000 per annum is offered to a strong candidate for this full time PhD scholarship in the Technology Futures Institute at Teesside University. Episodes of mass violence occur for many reasons, but the treatment of the deceased is often used as a means of humiliating and threatening the victims, their relatives and the groups to which they belong. Forensic investigation of contexts of mass violence is often hampered by the challenging nature of the graves and deposition sites themselves. These may…Continue Reading “Degraded and degrading: understanding diagenetic processes in commingled graves from contexts of mass violence”

There’s much excitement here at the moment because of our involvement with the Pint of Science festival. Those of you familiar with me and my team will know how much we value outreach and wider access projects. We do all sorts! Pint of Science is an international event which aims to get experts talking about their work with whoever is interested in the local pub! Teesside is the only post-92 university in the country to take part, and our organising team (largely students) is doing…Continue Reading “Pint of Science”

Well this week has been a good week. On Monday I found out that the University, in all its wisdom, has conferred the title of ‘Professor’ on me. It’s such exciting and delightful news, and marks the high-point of my career so far. To be honest, I can hardly believe it since it’s all happened relatively fast. I started my PhD in 2000 and polished it off in 2003. After working for Kenyon International for 9 months while they were still based in London, I…Continue Reading “Professor of Applied Biological Anthropology”

I’m delighted that today the first issue of Science & Justice that I compiled as the new Editor-in-Chief is out – and it’s a bumper issue! 16 academic peer-reviewed papers from all over the world feature, with topics ranging across chemistry, biology, drugs, taphonomy, DNA and paintings. You can check it out by following this link to the Science & Justice website.

It’s graduation week this week – which is always a wonderful time in the academic year. All those students wandering across the stage to shake the VC’s hand, trying not to topple of those insane heels, have worked so hard for so long; it’s a real pleasure to see them again. This year is doubly special though, as Mark Butler graduates with his PhD. Mark is one of us, a member of staff, who has worked tirelessly over 5 years to gain his award –…Continue Reading “Mathematical!”

By which I mean I have a fantastic new webpage! Look how shiny it is! Isn’t it smart… It was about time I spruced up my website – I tried going for a Windows 8 style for my previous version, and that was obviously a terrible mistake. It took me ages to do, and then I really didn’t like it all that much. But I like this one! Have I mentioned how shiny it is..? I hope you like this and find it useful –…Continue Reading “I feel radder, faster… more adequate!”