(Pexels, 2020).
According to Butler’s TALC Model, which outlines stages like Exploration, Involvement, Development, Consolidation, Stagnation, and potentially Decline or Rejuvenation, Disneyland has demonstrated a sustained ability to rejuvenate and innovate, preventing it from entering a permanent decline phase.
Here are examples of how Disneyland exemplifies the TALC Model stages while avoiding decline:
Firstly, Exploration and Involvement. When Disneyland opened in 1955, it was revolutionary, pioneering the theme park experience. It drew significant media attention and gained initial involvement from locals and tourists alike.
Secondly, Development and Consolidation. Disneyland rapidly expanded its infrastructure and attractions, adding new “lands”, rides, and hotels to attract larger audiences. These additions consolidated its reputation as a premier family destination and drove increased international tourism.
Also, Stagnation. In the 1990s, Disneyland experienced a stage where growth began to slow, and the novelty started to wear off. However, the brand responded proactively by making substantial upgrades, enhancing attractions, and introducing new themed areas to maintain public interest.
Attendance stagnated during the 1990s (See Figure 1), reflecting the challenges associated with the stagnation stage of Butler’s TALC Model. (Wikipedia contributors, 2024).
Figure 1: Annual Attendance at Disneyland Park –
98 – (Vincent, 2021). 99 – (Polsson, 2008). 100 – (The Lewiston Journal, 1984).
101 – (Scottware.com.au, 2015). 102 – (Themed Entertainment Association (TEA), 2007).
103 – (Themed Entertainment Association (TEA), 2008).
104 – (Themed Entertainment Association (TEA), 2009).
105 – (Themed Entertainment Association (TEA), 2010).
106 – (Themed Entertainment Association (TEA), 2011).
107 – (Themed Entertainment Association (TEA), 2012).
108 – (Themed Entertainment Association (TEA), 2019).
109 – (Themed Entertainment Association (TEA), 2018).
110 – (Themed Entertainment Association (TEA), 2017).
111 – (Themed Entertainment Association (TEA), 2016).
112 – (Themed Entertainment Association (TEA), 2017).
113 – (Themed Entertainment Association (TEA), 2018).
114 – (Themed Entertainment Association, 2019).
115 – (Themed Entertainment Association, 2020).
116 – (Themed Entertainment Association, 2021).
117 – (Themed Entertainment Association, 2022).
118 – (Themed Entertainment Association, 2023).
119 – (Themed Entertainment Association, 2024).
Next, Rejuvenation. Disneyland’s strategy has been to continually rejuvenate itself to prevent decline. Examples include the integration of new technology (like interactive experiences), collaborations with popular franchises (such as Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge), seasonal events, and expansions that cater to new generations and wider demographics.
By consistently investing in new attractions, adapting to visitor demands, and staying culturally relevant, Disneyland has managed to avoid decline and remain a key player in the global tourism industry. Its success highlights the importance of adaptability and innovation in sustaining the lifecycle of a tourism destination. (Tourismteacher.com, 2024).
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