
Why is tourism difficult to define?

Tourism is a vast industry which has a wide use of trades, accommodations, transports etc. Not to be easily confused with ‘travel’ as that is too vague to explain, as you could travel by ‘commuting’ to and from your everyday locations for work, school, or just as simple as your local high street. With that it is difficult to narrow down a definition which targets it all, because on top of it, there is more than one type of traveller, not as simple as you would think. To me you can travel for any reason, a day excursion outside your home town? A week away in the sun, maybe even in a log cabin? A pure purpose for gaining knowledge or even business? Culture? Maybe you’re an adrenaline junkies and want that thrill? Theres too many types of tourists to give a right definition to honour all of the industry and their tourists.

To get more in depth about the industry and all their trades, they need to satisfy all visitors who choose their location to stay evenings, decide to use for transport or make a day full of experiences, as that is what tourists want, a good experience (its what I would want).


Api , N. Why is tourism difficult to define? how would you define tourism?, Quora. Available at: (Accessed: 02 October 2024).

Introduction to tourism. Available at: (Accessed: 02 October 2024). Pgs 1-2