
Why do I travel?

Based from my last holiday to Costa Adeje, Tenerife, I travel for the look at leisure and culture. Granted my recent visit catered more for the classic, sun sea and sand holiday; it was for a chance for me to re-wind and get some relaxation done before my studies at university. During my visit, it was a family holiday and so the activities were based off majority vote (all the relaxation possible before getting back to work). I enjoyed trying the culture to the best I can and that was through trying new foods, and as a picky eater it was amazing as I tried new things and enjoyed them.

This links to Maslow’s Hierachy of Needs. Those being self-actualisation ( desire to become the most one can be), esteem (respect, self esteem, status, recognition, freedom), love and belonging (friendships, intimacy, family and a sense of connection), safety needs (personal security, employment, resources, health and property) and lastly physiological needs (air, water, food, shelter, sleep and clothing). This may be confusing at first to link, as it may relate to more than one need, but actually fits well and isn’t as confusing; trying new foods helped reach my basic physiological need, but also met  with the self-actualisation need and you can’t become the most you can be without trying new things, and it helped with family being around as it feels more safer trying new things with others. Another need met was relaxing, as it like to the safety needs, for my own mental health and general health, as I was in taking fresh air, had no stress factors surrounding me, and sharing the intimacy of that moment with the people around me. Even though it may seem difficult to apply this theory to tourism, it’s one overthinking on how, and is far simpler than one may seem.

UKEssays. November 2018. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in Tourism. [online]. Available from: