Professional Standards Portfolio (PSP)


Below you will find information about the Individual Learning Portfolio that runs through your programme.

What is your PSP?

The PSP is designed to track, monitor and evidence your journey from the start of your Certificate in Education or Professional Graduate Certificate in Education to the end of the course. It is meant to support you in meeting the professional standards and to show your development as a teacher in the sector.

It is essential that you have this PSP with you for all mentor meetings, tutorials and with you in your practice placement, especially during your observations.
All professional standards can be evidenced through your lesson planning, observations, mentor meetings, practice-based tasks and written assignments. Your PSP should provide a variety of evidence of your progress and your improvement throughout your course.

Can I personalise my PSP?

It is essential that you own your PSP and regard it as a tool for demonstrating and evidencing your own progress. The more effort you put into this, the more meaningful it will be.

How is your PSP structured?

Your PSP is divided into sections, but the whole document should be regarded as an on-going record of your progress throughout your course. It is important that you work on this document consistently and continuously throughout your programme. Don’t be afraid to vary your approach and experiment with different ways of presenting your ideas, progress and evidence. This portfolio is a chance for you to demonstrate and develop the full range of your skills and learn new things as well.

Where will my evidence come from?

Evidence for your PSP will come from a wide variety of sources. Both the practice-based elements of your programme and its academic aspects will contribute. The list below gives you some ideas.

You should also keep all documentation from your teaching practice either as hard copies in a file or electronically. This file includes all your lesson plans, resources and your lesson evaluations; these should be available to be viewed by both your mentor and tutor at any time in your practice.