Professional Development


Professional Development Opportunities

Below you will find a list of CPPD opportunities that you may like to pursue. These will be updated regularly so please check frequently for details of the latest opportunities available.

  • If you have completed your Professional Graduate Certificate in Education you may like to consider continuing your education by studying for an MA Education at Teesside University.
  • Teesside University also offer a Doctorate Education programme if you would like to pursue postgraduate study further.
  • Teesside University offer a short course designed to support former trainees in their first years of work; Personal and Professional Values in Teaching.
  • If you have completed your Certificate in Education you may like to consider continuing your education by studying for a BA (Hons) Education and Training with Teesside University. This programme is delivered by a number of partner colleges.
  • You may like to consider taking a specialist teaching qualification with Teesside University. These programmes are delivered on a part-time basis. You can choose from:
    • UCCE Teaching English (Literacy) in Education and Training
    • UCCE Teaching Mathematics (Numeracy) Education and Training

We are keen to encourage our former trainees to take on mentor roles once they feel confident to do so and are happy to provide the support and training that you will need to do so. Please get in touch if you would like to pursue this option using the contact below.

Here at TU we value the input of our former trainees and offer student support clinics which enable our current trainees to discuss the programme, their experiences and their future with people who have been in the same position as themselves. If you would like to offer support of this nature on a one-off or regular basis we would love to here from you. Please contact your former programme leader or tutor directly or use the contact below.

We are always keen to hear how our former trainees are progressing and would encourage you to send us a short pen portrait of your steps and progress since completing your programme with us. Any information you have will be gratefully received and is a great inspiration for those currently studying with us.

All contact can be directed to: .