External Resources


You may find the following list of external resources useful.

Ofsted – Initial Teacher Education Inspection Handbook

The Education and Training Foundation – Professional Standards

TES Resources provides a space for teachers to share free learning materials including lesson plans, activities, games, teaching ideas and worksheets. You can upload, adapt, edit and download classroom resources here.

BBC Teachers’ Resources offers a variety of ways to engage students, and includes lesson plans and worksheets.

The Guardian Teacher Network provides free resources for teachers.

Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. They report directly to Parliament and we are independent and impartial. They inspect and regulate services which care for children and young people, and those providing education and skills for learners of all ages.

Ofsted Annual Reports presents the findings of inspection and regulatory visits made during the previous inspection year. It assesses the quality and standards found across the full range of Ofsted’s work, including care, early education, schools, colleges, adult learning and skills, and children’s services.

TES Teaching Tips for New Teachers offers a range of useful practice tips.

The Department for Education is responsible for education and children’s services.

The General Teaching Council for England (GTC) is the professional body for teachers in England. We register teachers, maintain professional standards and give advice to government.

Education Support is an organisation that seeks to support staff in the education sector to handle issues such as workload, stress, student behavioural problems, and work life balance.

Teach First aims to address educational disadvantage by transforming exceptional graduates into effective, inspirational teachers and leaders in all fields.

Dyslexia Action provides a wide range of services to people who have dyslexia and struggle with literacy.