
Welcome to Teesside University Health Students Research Network

The chairman welcomes you all to HSRN. HSRN is a vibrant, progressive, and unique research platform led by students from Teesside University’s School of Health & Life Sciences. Expanding the capacity within research, our network provides a pool of talented students from which researchers can draw support for ongoing projects. Staff and students work collaboratively to develop competencies in writing articles for publication, operationalising research concepts into proposals, data collection, analysis, and presenting research at conferences and workshops. We promote an inclusive and diverse research culture that enables student and staff engagement in research of global health significance and drives the agenda for the translation of current best research evidence into professional practice through education, advocacy and innovation. We enhance the research culture through involving students in research and scholarly and funding activities; conducting symposia, workshops and seminars to develop research skills, and increasing both the volume of research conducted and the outputs for both staff and students through publications in peer-reviewed journals. Thank you all and let us strive for research excellence.

Chairman HSRN –  Johnson Mbabazi