Student Researcher Work: Developing an inexpensive and safe methodology to extract microplastics from river sediments using LST Heavy Liquid

Joseph Mwamba conducted a research project with the Earth, Ecology and Environment research collective, while studying for his undergraduate degree at Teesside University and shares his conclusion:

“Plastic forms part of land and marine litter around the world. Plastics are manufactured in their hundreds of millions of metric tons globally and are often abandoned after use in the environment where they can remain for a long time. These form 2 types of pollutants: macro and micro litter.

Macro litter is big (> 5mm) while micro litter is small (<5mm).

Plastic macro litter, macroplastics, have been observed to injure or kill marine animals and birds by process of entanglement or suffocation from ingestion. Over time, macro litter fragments into micro litter due to the influence of UV radiation, hydrolytic properties of seawater/ water and oxidative properties of the atmosphere etc.

Plastic micro litter, microplastics, have been shown to be ingested by birds, fish and other marine organisms and there is concern about the implications of this. The full impact of microplastic pollution is yet to be understood and more research is needed.

Currently, efforts are being made to understand the impact of microplastic pollution. Identifying and isolating microplastics are the initial steps of the process. Microplastics sampled from sediment are extracted primarily by density separation or floatation. Microplastics in biota are extracted by chemical digestion.

Microplastics from seawater are extracted by filtering with nets. Once microplastics are extracted, there are identified visually under dissecting microscope with the help of fluorescence microscopy. Other identification methods include Infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and Pyrolysis – GC/MS.

In this Student Researchers project, I wrote a mini literature review on various methods of extracting microplastics from sediments. By reviewing the extraction efficiencies and methodology of different methods, we found that methods that improve on classic density separation by using denser extraction liquids and more extraction techniques i.e. elutriation followed by density separation or the Munich Plastic Sediment Separator (MPSS), were the most successful at extraction of microplastics (small/ S-MPP: < 1 mm and large/ L-MPP: 1 – 5 mm) from sediment.

This informed our choice and method construction to improve the classic density by using the technique with LST Heavy Liquid to extract microplastics from sediment. We also found out in the review that although techniques for the extraction of microplastics were > 90% efficient now, in every other new method reported to the field, data was recorded differently and this posed a problem in the comparability of data from and studies couldn’t fully inform each other of microplastic studies around the globe. We kept this in mind when designing our method.

We then designed a method to extract microplastics from sediment using LST Heavy Liquid. Here we presented a less toxic and recyclable alternative extraction fluid to zinc chloride (1.6 – 1.7 kg/L) which is currently one of the best extraction solutions. LST Heavy Liquid’s density is much higher and allows for extractions of more microplastics than before.

Our method for extraction analysis is counting under a dissection microscope and this allows for data comparison as this is a popular analysis. This blog post makes public our work and allows those who read it to understand important issues of data comparison and work to make sure the problem is solved in future. We also through this work hope to inspire further innovation that will allow extractions to get better as has been the trend thus far.”

Research grant to study viruses in mosses

Dr Jamie Bojko, undergraduate student Adam Ozkan and Dr Ambroise Baker were successful in securing a research grant from the British Bryological Society to carry out preliminary research into the viruses of bryophytes (small plants also known as mosses and liverworts) in the UK.

This research aims to conduct preliminary screening of three bryophyte species, and their microbiomes, to search for the presence of DNA viruses as well as endogenous viral insertions, reflecting their evolutionary history with viruses. This pioneering work will open new horizons to comprehend yet unsubscribed bryophyte-virus relationships, which underpin the ecosystem services provided by bryophytes.

Infectious disease in wildlife

Our very own Jamie Bojko was in the limelight again with this Teesside University press release that was relayed in the local press (Teesside biologist explores infectious diseases
Northern Echo, p.45 and online, 12/06/2020
). Originally published online by Teesside University’s Media Centre

“Dr Jamie Bojko, a Biology Lecturer in the University’s School of Health & Life Sciences, says that understanding disease diversity and emergence in wildlife systems is vital to determine how emerging diseases arise and how they might evolve.

Together with colleagues at the University of Florida (UF) and Fish and Wildlife Commission (FWC), the research team have recently identified a new genetic lineage of parasite, known as a microsporidian, from crustacean hosts.

Jamie said: ‘This parasite infects the muscle of four crayfish species local to Florida and eats away their tissues, leaving a husk of parasitic spores.

‘The parasite uses a straw-like tube to inject a gooey-centre into a crayfish muscle cell. This then develops into multiple clone parasites, which form spores to survive in the environment and move on to infect new hosts, completing the cycle.’

Dr Jamie Bojko is working with Dr Donald Behringer, Dr Lindsey Reisinger and PhD student Cheyenne Stratton, all from the University of Florida, along with Paul Moler, from the FWC. The Research team recently published a paper in the Journal of Invertebrate Pathology which highlights the findings of this brand new lineage of parasite, which is reducing the health of crayfish populations.

The group are now looking to examine what effect this disease has on crayfish and how any changes might result in alterations to the local ecology. To do this, the researchers are examining how the disease might change its host’s behaviour, how it might be contracted, and what risk it poses to other invertebrates.

The team have now received further funding from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, to explore this parasite group, in addition to further parasites, to determine whether this disease is able to infect other hosts.

Jamie says that exploring different ecologies for new diseases is hugely important to understand both presence and risk, not only to local species but, additionally, how diseases can change the environment.

Jamie added: ‘There are not many people in the world who research aquatic wildlife disease so to be involved in something like this from the beginning – looking at how a brand-new disease evolves underwater – is incredibly exciting.

‘It is great for me as a biologist, but also great for Teesside University to be working with partners in Florida on such an important piece of research.’

One of the key elements of the new research will be trying to find out if any of the parasites they have discovered are a risk to local species.

‘Many of the crayfish we are working with are invasive species, and can often introduce new parasites to different locations. These parasites may be able to infect native species and cause a wildlife epidemic,’ said Jamie.

‘If we can understand how these new parasites transmit and what else they can infect, we can then start to learn more about the disease and how it might spread and evolve.

‘This brand-new parasite, which we have named Cambaraspora floridanus (after the hosts and location), has little known about it and there is a lot to do. As with any new disease, it is vitally important to understand how it fits into the ecosystem and whether it might cause any irreversible changes to the ecology and crayfish population.

‘We have explored the pathology caused by the parasite and now want to determine whether it has a wider impact on the ecosystem. If it is able to infect multiple species of crayfish then it may be able to infect other invertebrates and maybe even fish, resulting in an impact on the wider freshwater community.’ “

“Seeing Red” contribution to Athena Swan stories

The Ecology and Environment Research Collective contributed to Athena Swan stories on Teesside University’s website with a piece called “Seeing Red”. We described efforts to make field work in the natural environment more inclusive to our community of researchers and students.

The article is reproduce here:

“Field trips are an essential practical and experiential part of teaching, learning and researching the natural environment for degrees and research programmes across biology and geography.

“However, there are many barriers to bringing people into the field and some of these barriers can be particularly discriminatory towards women. To address these barriers and facilitate access to field experiences for women, a team in the School of Health and Life Sciences has been developing measures aimed at greater inclusivity, some of which are specific to women. A key part of this strategy is the development of workflow authorisation for field trips which features a checklist of inclusivity measures.

“When planning taught sessions in the natural environment we try as much as possible to keep the similar time slot as used for classroom teaching and attempt to blend as much as possible a mixture of short field trips and residential trips. This enables learners with caring responsibilities to participate in field trips.

“Increasingly, a high proportion of learners express difficulties of a psychological nature, such as anxiety, prior to taking part to group activities in an un-familiar environment. We have seen this from our experience but it has also been evidenced in national studies which shows that young women are three times more likely to suffer some form of mental health than young men. To help those who are anxious about group activity in an un-familiar environment, we have integrated field preparation sessions into the programme and are currently developing a Minecraft tool to give students an opportunity to familiarise themselves with field work techniques before stepping outdoors. To enable students to build up field skills gradually we start field work in a familiar destination such as the university campus.

“From our experience, we found that some of the anxiety surrounding field trips came about as a result of concerns in relation to availability of toilet/hygiene facilities during field trips. In response to this, staff in the School of Health and Life Sciences have adopted an innovative approach to this. Our new student field guides now identify and signpost, in advance, all opportunities for toilet / hygiene facilities during visits. Typically we plan at least two stops (with plenty of time) into each trip. In addition, the guides highlight the ‘period pack’ carried along with all field equipment, making sure that students who have periods during a field trip are able to access toiletries if required, hopefully reducing anxiety.
Period and Menstrual Hygiene Equality Guide
Toilet stops in the field: An educational primer and recommended best practices for field-based teaching