
How does VisitBritain attract people in different countries to take holidays in the UK?


How does VisitBritain attract people in different countries to take holidays in the UK?


From playing Tour Operator, what did you learn about travel arrangements, tourists, and other aspects of the tourism industry?


“Why are all stages of the chain of distribution not always necessary?”


“Why do you travel?”


how domestic tourism and inbound tourism might be different in Germany

The expanding tourism industry in Germany produced more than EUR 105 billion in gross value added, which repre 3.9% of overall GVA. It is estimated that indirect effects contribute to extra EUR 76.1 billion. More than 2.9 million workers are directly employed in the tourism sector making up to 6,8% of total employment.

A research project by a German tourist association has developed guidelines for tourism destinations aiming to enhance their sustainability efforts.


According to the Tourism Area Life Cycle, destinations move through a series of stages, but is decline inevitable?


duinrell and it’s infrastructure

Duinrell has a lot of different infrastructures.

Duinrell has Accomodations and a holiday park. one of the accommodations that duinrell has is a campsite, duingalows, glamping and group accommodations. In the campsite you can stay on one of the 12 different campsites, you can even have a campsite with a private sanitary, you have the choice to pick where you are camping, where you put your tent.

Another accommodation that duinrell has is the duingalows, with the duingalows you have quite a few chooses of where you can stay, there are the premium plus 8 person duingalow with sauna and airco which is a 5 minute walk from the attractions and has 4 spacious bedrooms. There is the premium plus 8 person duingalow which only has a sauna which is a 10 minute walk from the attractions and also has 4 spacious bedrooms. There is the premium plus 6 person duingalow with sunshower and airco which is a 5 minute walk from the attraction and has 3 bedrooms. There is the premium plus 6 person duingalow airco which is 5 minutes away from the attractions and has 3 bedrooms. There is premium plus 5 person duingalow airco which is 5 minutes walk from the attractions and has 2 spacious bedrooms and a covered terrace. There is premium plus 2 person duingalow with wellness which is a 5 minute walk from the attraction with hot tub with covering and unique forest view. There is a premium 6 person duingalow which 10 minute walk from the attractions and has 3 spacious bedrooms.

Duinrell has a amusement park and a waterpark, the amusement park has more than 40 attractions, it has exciting attractions for the entire family and they have a new attraction called Tobbedanser and they have more than 80 arcade games in the arcade. The waterpark has 21 slides and a kids waterpark, it is the biggest waterpark in the Benelux. The kids waterpark is called Playa and inside of the waterpark has over 1.5 kilometres of water slides.


What makes tourism difficult to define?

What makes tourism difficult to define?

There is no real definition for tourism, tourism can be defined in many different ways. Britannica defines tourism as “the act and process of spending time away from home in pursuit of recreation, relaxation, and pleasure” (Walton, 2024).

Another way of defining tourism, comes from OECD who define it “as the activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purpose not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited” (OCED, 2001)

This tells us that tourism is one of many things that are hard to explain and will never have a true definition as no one truly knows how to define it

Walton, JK. (2024) Tourism. Available at: (Accessed: 05/12/24).