
Amoeba proteus (Chaos diffluens) 

Amoeba proteus is a unicellular organism, Typically, they can be found in water bodies such as lakes, ponds, and slowly flowing rivers. Amoeba proteus can change its shape.  


Brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) 

It is a multicellular organism connected with the kingdom of animals. Its body is made up of billions of specialised cells that are arranged into systems, and organs to carry out particular tasks. Rattus norvegicus is one of the most common mammals that live in a wide range of environments in the world. 

1.Type of Metabolism

Amoeba proteus + Rattus norvegicus  

Amoeba proteusis heterotrophic, it gets its nourishment from organic materials outside of it. It engulfs food particles like bacteria, algae, and tiny protozoa using phagocytosis. Amoeba creates a feeding vacuole where digesting takes place by enclosing its target in pseudopodia throughout this phase. The metabolism of Rattus norvegicus is complex and includes the metabolic mechanisms that enable its growth, reproduction, and bodily maintenance. Similarly, Rattus norvegicus is also a heterotrophic organism. It consumes biological organisms, or food, to obtain nutrients and energy. It uses lipids (fatty acids), proteins, carbs, and DNA as its main biochemical materials. 

2.Digesting Foods by Enzyme 

Amoeba proteus + Rattus norvegicus  

The digestive enzymes are released in the food vacuole to convert complex organic compounds in less complicated substances such as fatty acids, carbohydrates, and amino acids. 
The cytoplasm absorbs these smaller particles, which are then used for energy and development. Its intercellular enzymes such as proteases lipase and amylase, they are all enclosed in the vacuole. 

Rattus norvegicus                                                                        

Enzymes here for Rattus are necessary for digestion for the purpose to convert food into nutrients. However, the enzymes are mostly excreted into specific location of the body within the gastrointestinal tract – Gastrointestinal enzymes and amylase (that is found in the salivary glands located in the mouth and also secreted by the pancreas into the duodenum) transform carbs into glucose. Bile stored in the gallbladder emulsifies fats making the lipids accessible, while the enzyme peps and trypsin (protease enzymes) break down peptides into amino acids – which are mainly located in the small intestine.  

Most of these enzymes function extracellularly in the gastrointestinal tract, unlike in Amoeba Proteus where the digestive enzymes are functioning intracellularly in the vacuole. 

3.Carbohydrate Metabolism 

Amoeba proteus + Rattus norvegicus                                          

Amoeba proteus gets its energy from glucose. Glycolysis and the Krebs cycle break down sugar, while the mitochondria of the cell produce ATP through a process called oxidative phosphorylation. The main source of energy is also glucose in Rattus norvegicus. Pyruvate is also produced in the cytoplasm of the mitochondria by the breakdown of glucose through the process of glycolysis in cellular respiration. It can be produced by the rat from alternatives to carbohydrates when sugar is in short supply. The skeletal muscles and liver retain extra glucose as glycogen, which can be released when energy is required. (More on this on section 7

4.Protein Metabolism 

Amoeba proteus + Rattus norvegicus                                        

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and are utilised for energy production in food shortages or for the synthesis of enzymes and proteins. Enzymes (such as protease) break down proteins from ingested particles found within food vacuoles that releasing amino acids that are then taken up by the cell’s cytoplasm. Amino acids are used in the synthesis of vital proteins that are required for processes in cells, such as enzymes and building blocks. Degradation is the process by which amino acids lose their nitrogen atom and are expelled as ammonium when energy is needed. 

Protein metabolism in Rattus norvegicus entails the breakdown, utilisation, absorbing, and digesting of proteins to promote the generation of energy, development, and repairs as well – which is similar to Amoeba. However, the enzymes usually work within the body’s digestive system as enzymes peps and trypsin are two examples that help to break down proteins from food in the gastrointestinal tract and small intestine into amino acids, which are then taken up by the circulatory system which is different to Amoeba when they only take it up by their cells’ cytoplasm. The liver transforms the poisonous ammonia created during destruction into urea, which is then eliminated by the kidneys. Rats recycle amino acids from broken-down proteins and eliminate additional nitrogen through the process of urea cycling. The food is the only source of amino acids that are vital, and anxiety, being pregnant, and development all increase the amount of protein needed for these amino acids in Rattus. 

5.Lipid Metabolism 

Amoeba proteus + Rattus norvegicus                                            

Primary energy of Amoeba and Rattus is produced by the metabolism of fats, which can be saved as sources of energy and converted into glycerol and lipids when required. Lipid metabolism is essential for the retention and use of energy, particularly when foods are few. In Amoeba, the cytoplasm stores extra lipids as sources of energy. During times of food constraint, the amoeba can continue vital functions such as mobility and absorption of nutrients because lipids offer more energy than carbs. The amoeba’s ability to adapt to its surroundings and survive is guaranteed by its effective lipid metabolism that is constant. However, the lipids in Rattus Norvegicus are primarily stored in adipose tissue, which is distributed throughout the body located in: 

  • Subcutaneous fat – which is found beneath the skin layer 
  • Visceral fat – a layer surrounding the internal organs, such as the liver, kidneys and intestines  
  • Brown Adipose tissue – found in specific regions such as between the shoulder blades, specialising in thermogenesis rather than energy storage. 

Additionally, fatty acids aid in the formation of vital compounds including lipids and cholesterol. 


Amoeba proteus + Rattus norvegicus             

Through diffusion over the cell membrane of Amoeba, waste chemicals such as ammonia and carbon dioxide are released. A contractile vacuole controls excess fluid by regularly expelling it to avoid osmotic pressure-induced rupture. Whereas waste in rattus norvegicus is mostly eliminated via the urinary system and digestive tract – which the Amoeba Proteus does not have and only happens within the cell. The kidneys control the equilibrium of water, salt, and pH by filtering blood to eliminate nitrogen dioxide (urea) created by the breakdown of proteins. The urinary tract expels urine after it has been collected in the bladder. The gut excretes material such as faeces, which includes microorganisms and food that has not been absorbed. Furthermore, small quantities of water and salt are expelled from the pores of the body, and carbon dioxide is eliminated by the respiratory system. Rats’ capability to adjust to various settings is supported by this effective elimination mechanism, which also aids in maintaining balance.  

7.Respiration + Energy Storage 

Amoeba proteus + Rattus norvegicus

Amoeba proteus and Rattus Norvegicus produces energy through aerobic respiration. A procedure that needs oxygen. The energy source is produced in the shape of Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) by a sequence of metabolic processes in the mitochondria and cytoplasm.

The respiration of Rattus norvegicus entails an effective procedure to satisfy its high energy requirements. Carbon dioxide, which is a waste product of metabolism, leaves the body while oxygen is breathed in the lungs and diffused into the circulation through the air sacs known as alveoli. Hemoglobin carries oxygen to the tissues of the body, and it is utilised in mitochondrial respiration inside cells to create ATP. The breakdown of glucose, the Krebs cycle, and the process of oxidative phosphorylation are combined in this mechanism to give the rat the power it needs for development, movement, and preservation respiratory system is essential to the rat’s flexibility and general functioning because it synchronises respiration, exchange of gases, and oxygen use. The same process occurs for Amoeba proteus (i.e glycolysis, kerbs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation) however the only difference is, is that in the beginning oxygen diffuses directly across its cell membrane from the surrounding environment. 

Overall Reaction: 


In the cytoplasm of the amoeba, excess energy can be stored as fatty acids or glucose for use later when nutrients are limited. When sugar is limited, saved lipids are broken down into glycerol as well as fatty acids through a process known as lipolysis. Although lipids go through the process of beta- in mitochondrial to produce acetyl NADH, and FADH₂, glycerin reaches metabolism. When acetyl reaches the Krebs process, ATP is produced by an electron transportation cord, which is powered by NADH and FADH₂. Because fats produce greater amounts of energy than sugar, the amoeba may perform essential functions such as nutrition and motility even in the event of food limitations. Rattus Norvegicus also share some similarities in this part, as it also stores excess energy as lipids and carbohydrates, which are broken down during nutrient scarcity. However, Rattus Norvegicus uses specialised tissues like adipose tissue and glycogen stored in the liver. The rats’ metabolism in this process is regulated by hormones of insulin, whereas the amoeba relies on direct environmental triggers. Furthermore, the amoeba can shift to anaerobic pathways, unlike the rattus, which primarily depends on aerobic respiration pathways. 

8.Enzymatic Mechanisms 

Amoeba proteus                                                                                 

Certain biological reactions are catalysed by enzymes, which control metabolism. This involves the biosynthesis of cellular elements through processes of biosynthesis and the production of energy through metabolism. 

Rattus Enzymatic Process                                                       

Rattus norvegicus breaks down food using an enzymatic process. Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose by digestive enzymes and amylase. Proteins are broken down into amino acids by peptidases. Lipase breaks down lipids into glycerol and fatty acids. 


Amoeba proteus + Rattus Temperature Regulation                        

Its ability to control metabolic activities depends on the outside temperature of the environment around it. Its enzyme activity rises at higher temperatures and falls in lower temperatures. Amoebas are not able to produce heat internally such as multicellular organisms (rattus), because they don’t have an internal homeostasis control system such as nervous or endocrine system to regulate its internal temperature.

Rattus norvegicus use separating proteins in their brown adipose tissue to generate heat, especially when they are chilly. Rattus norvegicus uses UCP1 in mitochondria to generate heat rather than ATP through a process known as non shivering thermogenesis. Plus, they have internal homeostasis control system. 

10.Gut Microbiome 

Amoeba proteus + Rattus norvegicus                                      

Amoeba proteus does not have a gut microbiome, because it is a unicellular organism. It absorbs particles of food such as algae, bacteria, and other microbes through a process called phagocytosis. However, Rattus Focusses on the metabolic processes of gut microbes that break down complicated proteins, lipids, and carbs. In addition to detoxifying toxic compounds, these systems control the body’s state of energy, defences, and inflammatory. Because of their metabolic and microbial parallels to human beings, rats are frequently used as models to investigate gut microbiome relationships. Significant insights are obtained through the use of techniques such as metagenomics and free of germs investigations.